Friday, February 24, 2017

WWE Fastlane 2017 Matches and Prediction

 When making predictions about WWE Fastlane 2017, it's important to remember that the WWE Universe is, in terms of the narrative, a morally correct universe

Below is the updated card for that event:

WWE Universal Title Match
Bill Goldberg vs. Kevin Owens

The only way Kevin Owens could possibly leave Fastlane with the title is if Brock Lesnar interferes in the match and costs Goldberg the title. Then, the two veterans can have their WrestleMania grudge match, and Owens can walk into Orlando, Florida, wearing the belt.

But it's unlikely. A title match between Goldberg and Lesnar has a much nicer ring to it—at least for the casual fans who are on the fence about buying the PPV.

Goldberg's winning. He's facing Lesnar at WrestleMania for the universal title. And Lesnar will win the title and redeem his various embarrassments. Meanwhile, Owens will fight Chris Jericho. The beatdown that Owens gave Jericho in Las Vegas will not go unaddressed.

Winner: Goldberg

WWE Cruiserweight Title Match
Jack Gallagher vs. Neville

This is one feud that is not going to make it to WrestleMania.

Neville was an undersized overachiever when he first debuted on the main roster, but now, thanks to the cruiserweight division, he's the alpha dog. His run as a heel has been an incredible success; he's so much more compelling to watch now, and he seems to relish the opportunity to snarl and scowl at the camera.
Jack Gallagher, meanwhile, is too much of a comedy act to be champion, especially when the division is actively fighting for legitimacy. Expect Neville to win dominantly and cleanly. He'll be facing a more worthy, aggressive opponent come WrestleMania.

Winner : Neville

RAW Tag Team Title Match
Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

Enzo Amore and Big Cass were spinning their wheels for the better part of last year. But they scored some key wins in their feud against Rusev, which means they'll be next in line to win the Raw Tag Team Championships.

Their title win would be the sort of feel-good moment that WrestleMania would want to feature. Expect them to lose at Fastlane, probably as the result of a dirty win. They'll build off that loss toward their eventual victory on The Grandest Stage of Them All.

Winner: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

Raw Women’s Championship
Bayley vs. Charlotte Flair
Bayley is going to be dropping the title at Fastlane. The March 5 PPV is not a big enough platform for the streak to end on. Afterward, Bayley can cut promos about her desire to win the belt cleanly—this time, without Sasha Banks' cheating and interference. 

Expect Charlotte to win, and expect Nia Jax and/or Banks to get involved in the finish. They're both intimately tied into this feud, and it wouldn't be a surprise to see one or both of them in a Triple Threat or a Fatal 4-Way title match at WrestleMania.

Winner: Charlotte Flair

Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns 

This one is the toughest to predict. In one corner is Roman Reigns, the corporate favorite who WWE Creative has attempted to get over for the better part of three years. In the other corner is Braun Strowman, a new monster who has gone virtually undefeated in all of his appearances.

For Me this gonna be unresolved, neither men will win. Undertaker would come in this match for taking out revenge for Royal rumble 2017 and thus making match for wrestlemania 2017 as Undertaker Vs Roman Reigns


Wrestlemania matches coming after fastlane:

Chris Jericho vs Kevin Owens
Undertaker Vs Roman Reigns

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