Monday, May 1, 2017

WWE Payback Live Results 2017

Things are about to get vicious for the WWE superstars of with Payback and here at Champions, we will be keeping you up to date with all the action.

Chris Jericho collides 's U.S. Champion Kevin Owens while Roman Reigns will look for vengeance against the Monster among men Braun Strowman. And let's not forget about the recently returned Hardy Boyz, who will defend their Tag Team Championships against Cesaro and Sheamus.

Moreover, Bray Wyatt will look to reclaim his WWE Championship when 's WWE Champion Randy Orton comes to Payback to defend his championship before the Eater of Worlds permanently moves to the red brand. And Seth Rollins will be looking for his own brand of payback when he meets Samoa Joe.

Fresh off the heels of an historic , the WWE is about to get even more intense when Payback hits our screens!

Kevin Owens Vs. Chris Jericho (WWE U.S. Championship)
Kevin Owens defends his championship against Chris Jericho. [Credit: WWE]
Kevin Owens defends his championship against Chris Jericho. [Credit: WWE]
The match begins when Owens runs out of the ring, but Jericho's having none of that and chases him to the outside, taking him out with a clothesline to the back of the head. They end up back in the ring early and Jericho works him down. Y2J goes for a Lionsault but Owens counters, ramming his head into the top of the ringpost.
Outside the ring, Owens hits a cannonball on Jericho who is placed against the barricade. Ref gets a 9 count before Chris crawls back into the ring. Owens locks in a sleeper hold as the audience rallies behind the challeger with "Y2J" and "stupid idiot" chants. Jericho fights out but eats a clothesline from Owens, who begins to beat him down. Chris fights back but is planted by a DDT from Owens, who locks in another sleeper.
Chris fights out, chopping Owens into the corner. However, as Chris runs towards KO, the champ moves out of the way and he spills out of the ring. He makes it back in at 7 and now begins to get momentum as he beats down Owens. He hits the enziguri for a near-fall. He follows it up with a flurry of chops but runs straight into a killer superkick — I think the world felt that one.
Owens goes for the Pop-Up Powerbomb but Jericho counters, looking for a Codebreaker — which Owens also counters. But Chris floors Owens and looks for the Lionsault. KO gets his knees up and sets Jericho into the corner, hitting a Cannonball for a near-fall.
Jericho locks in the Walls. [Credit: WWE]
Jericho locks in the Walls. [Credit: WWE]
Owens looks for the Pop-Up Powerbomb again but Jericho counters with a hurricanrana and rolls out, locking in the Walls of Jericho. What a counter! As the Friends of Jericho chant for Owens to tap, he manages to reach the bottom rope with a finger. Frsitrated, Chris focuses an all-out assault on Owens' finger, trapping it between the Steel steps.
Back in the ring, the ref checks on Owens' finger and distraction allows KO to hit Jericho in the eye. He looks for a roll-up but Jericho kicks out. Owens looks for the Pop-Up Powerbomb again but can't get Jericho up sue to his finger. Jericho seizes the opportunity and locks in the Walls Of Jericho again. Owens reaches for ropes, but Chris pulls him back into the ring and eventually KO taps out.
Winner and NEW U.S. Champion: Chris Jericho
Now that was a great match and a very pleasant surprise! See you on SmackDown Chris!

Neville Vs. Austin Aries (WWE Cruiserweight Championship)

[Credit: WWE]
[Credit: WWE]
The two men lock up with Aries forcing Neville into the corner. This doesn't sit too well with Neville who locks up with his opponent again, but Aries uses his momentum against him and lands a wicked arm drag. They continue to out-maneouevre each other, with Aries capitalizing with a fireman's carry, followed by another arm drag.
Again, Neville tries to get in the game, but the No.1 contender comes out on top again by launching himself over the rope. Neville rolls to the outside, fristrated but finds himself taken down by Aries who launches over the top. Aries looks for a 450 Splash but Neville takes him out and he lands hard. And the vicious assault from Neville begins.
The King of the Cruiserweights locks in a Sleeper. As Aries tries to fight out, Neville launches his face into the mat. The Cruiserweight champ climbs the top rope and goes ariel, kicking Aries right on the button. Neville gloats, inciting anger from the audience. However, Aries capitalizes and kicks the champ out of the ring.
Neville quickly tries to get back in the ring and eats an assault from Aries, who is now finally back on top. Austin goes to the top rope and delivers an elbow spike to the back of the spine of Neville. Aries launches Neville over the top rope, but the King Of The Cruiserweights pulls his hair. But Aries fights him off.
Aries launches himself through the ropes like a missile, hitting Neville. He rolls the champ back in the ring for a near-fall. He hits the shin-breaker and a facebuster before ascending the rope. But Neville gets up and climbs the rope too. Austin counters with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. He then locks in the Last Chancery. It really looks like the Champ is about to submit, but he grabs the referee and launches him, causing a disqualification.
Winner by disqualification: Austin Aries

The Hardy Boyz Vs. Sheamus & Cesaro (WWE RAW Tag Team Championship)

The Hardy Boyz will defend their newly-won gold against the former champs. [Credit: WWE]
The Hardy Boyz will defend their newly-won gold against the former champs. [Credit: WWE]
Matt Hardy and Cesaro lock up with the Swiss Superman looking a roll-up. They lock up again wit Matt tagging in Jeff, who hits an elbow. He tags in Matt again and the two hit Poetry In Motion. Matt works down Cesaro, but eats a forearm from the challenger. Sheamus is tagged in and hits Rolling Thunder before tagging his partner in again. Cesaro works for a little moment before tagging Shemus back in. And as we can see, the quick tags is becoming a thing.
Sheamus looks for a powerslam but Matt rolls down the back and tags in Jeff. Things speed up with Jeff taking it to Sheamus, wearing down his arm. But the Celtic Warrior uses his strength to hurl Hardy out of the ring. Cesaro is tagged in and begins to work down Hardy. They both work Jeff down again as Sheamus comes in and locks in a sleeper. But Jeff hits a jawbreaker. However, he eats a knee right in his face.
Cesaro comes in and hits a very high leg drop, and we get a closeup to see that Jeff Hardy lost a tooth thanks to that kick. Both men try to beat down Hardy but he fights back and quickly climbs the rope, hitting Whisper in the Wind to take them both down. He makes the tag to Matt who comes and rams Cesaro into the corner.
Matt hits the signature leg drop to Cesaro and the Side Eeffect for a near fall. Sheamus interrupts the count but Jeff comes in and takes him to the outside. Matt climbs the rope, looking for a moonsault but misses and eats a flying forearm from Cesaro. The Swiss Superman performs an amazing Cesaro Swing on Matt, surpassing 20 spins before he steps through into the SharpShooter.
With the help of Jeff, he gets to the rope but Jeff pays for it thanks to Sheamus. Back in the ring, Sheaus hits White Noise from the top rope for a very near-fall which Jeff interrupts. Sheamus looks for the Brogue Kick but Hardy counters, looking for the Twist of Fate. Sheamus counters with a DDT. He then whips Matt against the rope as Jeff secretly tags in. The Celtic Warrior hits a powerslam on Matt and looks for a cover, but Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb onto his back for the win.
Winners and STILL WWE RAW Tag Team Champions: The Hardy Boyz
After the match, Sheamus and Cesaro shake the Hardys' hands. Matt and Jeff celebrate but are caught off-guard by both Cesaro and Sheamus who return launch a vicious assault on the champions. Cesaro rams Jeff into the turnbuckle before Sheamus hits him with a Brogue Kick from behind. Sheamus then hits Matt with one too.

Bayley Vs. Alexa Bliss (WWE RAW Women's Championship)

Bayley defends her championship against Alexa Bliss. [Credit: WWE]
Bayley defends her championship against Alexa Bliss. [Credit: WWE]
The crowd is behind Bayley as the two women tie-up, with the Champion launching a beatdown on Alexa. While the challenger taunts her, Bayley doesn't let it get inside her head and she takes it to Alexa and begins to ram her into the turnbuckles.
Bayley's momentum is stopped in its tracks by a vicious forearm from Bliss. The angry challenger gets vicious as she takes full control. She joyfully begins to utilize the referee's five count with illegal holds before locking in a sleeper. The audience rallies behind Bayley as she tries to fight out. But Bliss maintains control, viciously kicking Bayley outside of the ring.
Outside, she continues the beatdown, ramming Bayley into the apron. But her trash-talking costs her as Bayley hangs her up on the ropes. She hits elbows and the sliding clothesline, quickening the pace big time as she hits a side-suplex and climbs to the second rope. She hits a flying elbow right into Bliss' face. But, Bliss catches Bayley and rams her into the turnbuckle. She then walks over her and ascends the rope.
Bayley looks for a Bayley-to-Belly from the top rope but to no avail as Bliss rolls her up for a near-fall. But that doesn't keep her down as Bayley connects with a running knee. She climbs the rope and hits the Macho Man elbow. But shockingly, Bliss kicks out.
Bayley looks for a roll-up but Bliss kicks out, which inadvertently sends her head-first into the post again. After a little fighting, Bliss finally hits a DDT for the win.
Winner and NEW RAW Women's Champion: Alex Bliss
Congratulations to Alexa Bliss on becoming the first ever woman to win both the RAW and SmackDown Women's Championships.

Randy Orton Vs. Bray Wyatt (House Of Horrors Match)

Bray Wyatt looks for vengeance against Bray Wyatt. [Credit: WWE]
Bray Wyatt looks for vengeance against Bray Wyatt. [Credit: WWE]
Okay this is some creepy move stuff right here. Randy Orton has to kick the door open and enters to see a really creepy house with sharp objects laid out on tables and dodgy lighting. The door shuts by itself and Wyatt appears behind him, striking him down as creepy graphics appear on the screen. As Wyatt roars about the betrayal to Randy, he continues to beat him down.
Suddenly, Wyatt is gone and Orton moves through the house. He enters a room to see baby dolls everywhere and is attacked by Wyatt again. However, Orton attacks Wyatt's eyes and he groans in pain. Wyatt breaks free and launches something at Orton before he disappears again.
Orton moves back through the house, throwing furniture over before enterting a really creepy kitchen. He sees Wyatt coming and launches him into the cupboards. He then unleashes rights and lefts onto the injured Wyatt and rises as a beaten Bray laughs. Orton sets him up like hes' ready to beat him with the frying pan, but Wyatt kicks back, low blowing him. The Eater of Worlds then pulls the fridge down in top of Randy, and crawls off.
Bray slowly makes his way to the door, groaining in pain as he does so. He enters the garden area and falls to his knees, shouting "Follow the Buzzards" as the house turns from blue to red. He climbs into the limo and tells the driver to take him to the arena....
(match will continue later)

Seth Rollins Vs. Samoa Joe

Seth Rollins meets the man who injured him. [Credit: WWE]
Seth Rollins meets the man who injured him. [Credit: WWE]
Both guys feel each other out before Joe overpowers Rollins into the corner. Seth fires back with a few right hands but Joe overpowers him again. Rollins lets his legs do the talking, finally taking the big man down with a dropkick. Outside the ring, he continues to work the bigger man down. Joe launches him over the barricade, but Rollins jumps the barricade to take him down.
Rollins heads inside the ring, but Joe heads out of harm's way, or does he? He ends up eating a suicide dive from Rollins. Back in the ring, Joe attacks Seth's formerly injured knee, taking him back to the outside. He hits his own impressive dive, launching into Rollins like a missile. He throws Seth back into the ring and continues to work on the injured knee, hitting a senton onto it.
Seth tries to fight out, but Joe hits an enziguri. He fights Rollins into the corner with chops and looks to splash him, but ends up eating turnbuckle as Seth takes him out at the knee. The Man hits a few splashes in the corner before hitting the neckbreaker. Samoa Joe counters Seth's offense and targets the knee again, locking in a kneebar, but the man gets to the rope. Joe trash talks Rollins and hits a powerbomb into a pin. As Seth kicks out, Joe locks in a half crab, into a full crab. But he eventually escapes.
In spite of the knee issues, Seth throws everything he can at Joe to get back on top. Getting the advantage, Seth climbs to the top and hits a Frog Splash for a very near-fall. The two fight back and forth before Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch. Scrambling to the turnbuckle, Rollins forces the two of them back into a pinning position but Joe releases the hold. But Samoa Joe regains the control and locks in Coquina Clutch again. Just when it looks to be over, Rollins rolls Joe over his shoulders into a modified package for the shocking win.
Winner: Seth Rollins

A limousene enters the backstage area and Bray Wyatt gets out, heading towards the arena. And presumably part two of the match will commence.

Randy Orton Vs. Bray Wyatt (House Of Horrors Match) [Part 2]

Bray Wyatt enters and blows out the lantern. But as the lights come on, Randy Orton is behind him with a steel chair. Bray realizes and attempts to attack, but Orton rams him in the gut with a steel chair. Outside the ring, the assault continues and Randy hits his patented DDT on Bray from the announce table. He then wears him down with another vicious steel chair shot.
Back in the ring, Orton goes for the RKO but is assaulted by the Singh brothers. Randy fights them off, but Wyatt attempts to hit Sister Abigail. He fights out and hits an RKO. But before he can capitalize, Jinder Mahal assaults him with the WWE Championship. Mahal hits the Viper with the gold again before Wyatt hits Ssister Abigail for the win.
Winner: Bray Wyatt

Roman Reigns Vs. Braun Strowman

Roman Reigns will look for vengeance against Braun Strowman. [Credit: WWE]
Roman Reigns will look for vengeance against Braun Strowman. [Credit: WWE]
Roman cheap-shots Strowman a few times before the match even begins but the Monster Among Men shoves Reigns into the ring. Roman sees him coming and pulls the rope down, sending the bigger man over the rope. Outside, the Big Dog goes for the dive-by but Strowman grabs him in mid-air and launches him into the barricade. He then Chokeslams him onto the announce table.
Back in the ring, Braun sends Roman into the turnbuckle and then back outside the ring, sends him into the Steel steps. The audience goes crazy as Braun continues to decimate Reigns. But I have a horrible feeling that Roman will somehow find it deep within himself to win despite the odds, we'll see.
Strowman locks in a bearhug, squeezing the breath from Reigns. But Roman manages to fight out and begins to take control. Slowly hitting a few rights on Strowman, before finally hitting a Samoan Drop. He covers him but the Monster Among Men powers out. Reigns takes them both to the outside and hits the drive-by on Strowman. He goes for the Spear but Braun lifts him up and attempts to harpoon him into the post, but Reigns slides down and shoves him into it. Again, Braun runs at Reigns who sidesteps and the big man runs straight into the post.
After a 9 count, Braun gets back in the ring and eats a Spear. He kicks out at 2. Roman goes for another Spear but Strowman hits the Running Powerslam. But shockingly (not), Reigns kicks out. A frustrated and angry Strowman hits another Running Powerslam for the shocking win.
Winner: Braun Strowman
Strowman defeats Roman Reigns. [Credit: WWE]
Strowman defeats Roman Reigns. [Credit: WWE]
After the match, Strowman plants Reigns face-first onto the steel steps. He then sends the stairs crashing down onto Reigns' ribs. Strowman leaves, as Reigns gasps in the ring, coughing up blood. Roman struggles from the arena as he coughs up more blood, refusing to get on a stretcher. With that sight, the arena goes off the air.
Blooded: Roman Reigns after Strowman's attack. [Credit: WWE]
Blooded: Roman Reigns after Strowman's attack. [Credit: WWE]

Post-show on RAW Talk, Roman continues to struggle as he leaves the arena, coughing up more blood. He finally makes it to the ambulance when we hear "I'm not finished with you yet!". From nowhere, Strowman comes running. But Reigns ducks out of the way and Braun runs straight into the ambulance door, taking it with him as he crashes into a heap of cardboard boxes. Reigns manages to make it to his feet and slams the other ambulance door repeatedly onto Strowman, who eventually retreats as the bloody reigns waits by the ambulance for assistance.