Monday, March 6, 2017

WWE Raw Results 3/6/17

Now its time for quick Raw Rebound

WWE Raw Results:
— The show opened with Chris Jericho coming to the ring. He said he was glad that he cost Kevin Owens the Universal Championship at Fastlane, and he demanded to know why Owens betrayed him. Owens came out and said he betrayed Jericho because Jericho was never his best friend. He was just a tool and he used him, because Triple H told him the night he won the title that he had to do whatever it takes to keep it. He looked around and needed a person who was dangerous, experienced, and gullible.

He said Jericho was a perfect tool, until he outlived his usefulness. He said Jericho’s biggest mistake Jericho ever made in his career was costing Owens his Universal Championship. Jericho said his biggest mistake was trusting Owens in the first place. He said he has a lot of friends and asked the fans to cheer him on. Then he challenged Owens to a match at WrestleMania. Owens said he’s going to get his Universal title back, because he’s been promised a rematch whenever he wants, but since Jericho took his title from him, he wants to take the United States Championship from Jericho. Jericho accepted, but said why wait?

Owens ran to the ring and he and Jericho went at it, but Samoa Joe hit the ring to join in the beatdown. Sami Zayn ran out to even the odds, and Jericho cleared the ring with a chair.

— During the commercial break, Mick Foley made a match between Owens and Zayn, with Joe and Jericho banned from ringside.

1. Kevin Owens defeated Sami Zayn. Owens hit two pop-up powerbombs and pinned Zayn after a very aggressive match.

2. WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match: Neville (c) defeated Rich Swann. This was Swann’s mandatory rematch, since he was injured right after losing the title. Neville used the Rings of Saturn to get Swann to tap out.

— After the match, Austin Aries interviewed Neville in the ring. The crowd chanted for Aries, and Neville said he’s done everything he said he was going to do, so look at him now. He said there is nobody on 205 Live who holds a candle to him. The crowd chanted for Aries again and Aries said the WWE Universe disagrees with him. Neville said Aries must be delusional if he thinks he’s close to being on his level. Neville suggested Aries get out of his ring before he re-breaks his orbital socket. Aries hit him with the microphone and then hit the rolling elbow and Neville took a powder back up the ramp. Aries posed with the cruiserweight title.

— Goldberg made his entrance and held his Universal Championship up for the crowd and said it belongs to them as much as him, because he could not have done it without the fans. He said he had information to share that he’s never shared before, but he was interrupted by Paul Heyman, who wanted to congratulate Goldberg. But he said he did not come here alone, and he introduced Goldberg’s WrestleMania opponent, Brock Lesnar. The two got face-to-face in the ring and Heyman hyped their WrestleMania match. Lesnar extended his hand, but it was a ruse to sucker Goldberg into an F-5. Lesnar and Heyman departed as Goldberg attempted to regroup.

3. Raw Tag Team Championship Match: The Club (c) defeated Enzo Amore and Big Cass. Cesaro and Sheamus wandered down to ringside in the middle of the match. Enzo celebrated a dive and spilled Cesaro’s coffee, causing Cesaro to chase Enzo into the ring and accidentally clothesline Karl Anderson, giving The Club the DQ win. All three teams brawled afterward.

4. Akira Tozawa defeated Ariya Daivari. Tozawa got the pin with the snap German suplex. After the match, Tozawa got on the microphone and called out The Brian Kendrick. Kendrick came out, and said he would give him what he asks for Tuesday on 205 Live.

5. The New Day defeated The Shining Stars. The New Day came out with their new ice cream cart “Popcycle.” The new day got the pin on Primo after hitting him with the Midnight Hour.

— Mick Foley was in the ring and welcomed Bayley. She said she’s not happy about how things went down at Fastlane, but she’s ready for WrestleMania. Foley said the only question now is who her opponent will be at Mania. That brought out Sasha Banks, who staked her claim to the match. Foley seemed to like that, but was interrupted by Charlotte Flair and Dana Brooke. Charlotte said this was a conspiracy. Stephanie McMahon came to the ring and agreed that Charlotte was robbed. Foley suggested a No. 1 contender’s match next week. Stephanie instead said that if Sasha can defeat Bayley tonight, the match at WrestleMania will be a Triple Threat.

6. Sasha Banks defeated Bayley. This was a non-title match for the right for Banks to be entered into a Triple Threat Match for the Raw Women’s Championship at WrestleMania. Charlotte and Dana sat in on commentary for this match, but eventually both came to ringside. Banks got Bayley to tap to the Banks Statement, and then Charlotte got in the ring and attacked both women.

— WWE showed video of Seth Rollins’ rehab, and then Triple H joined the commentary team live via satellite. Triple H called Rollins a liar and warned hi that if he showed up at WrestleMania, it will be the last thing he does in WWE.

7. Samoa Joe defeated Chris Jericho. Joe applied the Coquina Clutch on the floor, then rolled back in the ring to get the countout victory. Jericho hit a Codebreaker on Joe after the match.

— Braun Strowman came to the ring and called out Roman Reigns, but instead The Undertaker came out. Strowman took his leave, and then Roman Reigns’ music hit and he came to the ring. Reigns said with all due respect, this is his yard now. Undertaker looked at the WrestleMania sign, then chokeslammed Reigns. He walked away as the show went off the air.